What do relationships and not having the internet have in common?

Last Monday was 70s day at school due to a server update…or our server was being updated, so we had 70s day! Either way, we chose to make a day without the internet FUN and engaging for the students! Doing so, we did have to put some effort into reverting back in time without many of the conveniences we have today. We let our parents know that teachers would not have access to school email so if any emergencies or transportation changes were needed – parents must call the main office. We had to make intercom announcements regarding modified recess due to the heat…we usually just send an email with the details. We encouraged staff to dress 70s style – again, that took a lot of effort trying to find clothes that matched the 70s! Some of our students even joined in on the fun! Check out the cool pics!

Relationships – This video, about the way we speak to children, hits home! Working in a school setting, dealing with parents, students and staff on a daily basis; we can sometimes forget the reason(s) we entered into the profession. Being accountable for test scores, keeping up with student data, making sure school is safe and secure, are a few factors that can be on your mind in the midst of interacting with students. It takes effort and balance to keep in perspective how adults speak to children, and how your words can build trusting relationships or block relationships from forming. I have witnessed and experienced what is shown in the video since my career in education began 20 years ago. Adults can put forth effort to watch their words…not only with students, but with colleagues.

Why did I compare relationships with not having the internet? On our 70s day, one of the server update crew members mentioned to me that she wished all schools could be as positive as we were in not having the internet for a day versus being negative. As you witnessed in the video, acknowledging and responding positively to a student can be done if you keep in mind why you wanted to become an educator in the first place…to impact students in a positive way.

I compared the two because it only takes effort, a skill we all have, to express and share positivity! How will you be a positive influence on someone this week?

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